First African-American priest in The Episcopal Church
The Rev. Ernestein Flemister
Rector, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Dear Friends,
Black Episcopalians in the Pacific Northwest are gathering to celebrate the life and ministry of Absalom Jones. Here is the bulletin:
Absalom Jones Celebration via Zoom
The strength and resilience of a formerly enslaved person who later became a priest is why Black Episcopalians sing today. We cordially invite you to attend the first Evening Service hosted by the PNW Chapter of the UBE!
The African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, founded by Absalom Jones and Richard Allen, is holding a morning service on Sunday, February 14th, also dedicated to Jones. You can learn more about Absalom Jones from the UBE website and the Episcopal archives.
Participants from throughout the region will share in prayer, scripture, and song in virtual assembly through Zoom. Attending clergy appear in the bulletin.
Time: 3:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 2799 1919
Passcode: 599347
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Meeting ID: 895 2799 1919
Passcode: 599347
Thank you,
Daniel W. Jones, President
Thank you for a very meaningful service.
God bless you all in your ministry.
We are happy that you joined us, and we hope to share more with communities all around for a long time to come!
Daniel, President